Family Houses at Deixa-o-Resto
Renovation and expansion project
Santiago-do-Cacem, Alentejo, 2024

'Three Stone Houses in Arrabida'
PIP renovation and extension project
Setubal, 2023/24

'Vernacular Post-Modern'
Object/Furniture Collection

'The Memory Of The City As Its Own Resource'
Proposal for El Prado de San Sebastian, Seville
'After the City' workshop (GREMIO + UNIA)
Seville, 2022

Casa na Tapada Nova
Reconstruction of a derelict stone house
Lardosa, 2021

Family Resort 'Six Chalet Units'
Kuwait, 2022

Family Courtyard Villas
Kuwait City, 2019-22

House, interior renovation completed
Loures, 2022

House for a couple in Beira-Baixa
Mandatory 10x12m municipal footprint
Ground-Floor Plan

'Allentown, An Ethnography of the Minutiae' 
110 pages, text and black-and-white pictures
Pedro Duarte Bento, 2021

From the series "Chalk Drawings / Flimsy Structures"
Acrylic paint on 160gsm white paper
20 drawings, 50x70cm each

House preservation at UNESCO’s city center
Évora, Portugal, commission

Family Courtyard House
Riyadh, 2021

House for a couple in Beira-Baixa
Construction site


Proposal for IHRU Alcaniça Op.03
Government social housing competition
Almada, 2020

Glorious Landscape
Field marking a square
1:50 model

Proposal for Ordem dos Arquitectos
Headquarters extension's renovation
Lisboa, 2020

East Chatham 18th century 
post and beam wedged dovetail
Pine wood 1:1 mock-up, 2020
(PDB handmade)

House in Lardosa
Foundation work

The Farmer's Barn
Summer Pavilion for Roosevelt Island
New York City, 2019 (1:20 model)

Proposal for Madrid Las Tablas Municipal Library
International competition for the 
Ayuntamiento de Madrid, Spain 2019

Casa Marques-Santos

House in rural Lardosa
Interior renovation completed

Farmhouse in Evora, Alentejo
Reconstruction and interior renovation

"South Elevation, 1:25", 2018
Mixed-media on heavy duty paper roll, 50x70 cm / 20x27.5 in.

"Patios Mallorquines"
Proposal for a Senior Residency in Son Martorell, Palma 
Balearic Islands Government Competition, Spain

Duas Casas nas Ilhas Selvagens, Madeira, Portugal
Ordem dos Arquitectos competition, 2016
3rd Prize

Apartment in Areeiro, Lisbon
Interior renovation completed

Kofun | memorial Park for MH17 Victims, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Competition, 2015
Honorable Mention

Stoa | proposal for Centenary Square, Birmingham, UK
Royal Institute of British Architects Competition, 2016

Agora | proposal for Plovdiv Square, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Competition, 2014

Middle School in Arrifes, Azores, Portugal
Government competition, 2015

Modular Visitors Residencies
Research concept, 2016


Gabbro | proposal for Guggenheim Museum, Helsinki, Finland
Competition, 2015

Proposal for Jarfalla Folkets Park
Public Space Competition, Shortlist
Jakobsberg, Sweden, 2016


Studio Pedro Duarte Bento
Domesticity and Territory 

  All content © Pedro Duarte Bento 2023